
Podiatrist Toronto, ON Sheldon H. Nadal D.P.M.
586 Eglinton Avenue E. Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario M4P1P2
Local: 416-486-9917 Toll free: (877) 456-3338

The Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Do you sometimes feel pain on your foot when walking for long periods of time? The plantar fascia is a thin ligament that connects the heel to the front of the foot. It is known for supporting the arch in your foot. It plays an important role in helping a person walk.

Plantar fasciitis pertains to an inflamed or irritated plantar fascia. This happens when the plantar fascia has been worn out due to daily activities. Too much pressure on our feet damages or tears our ligaments. This is most common in patients who are overweight obese, due to the increased pressure. Pregnant women also experience episodes of plantar fasciitis during their late pregnancy.

Most athletes, especially long-distance runners are most likely to develop problems with plantar fascia. Occupations might also trigger this type of orthopaedic problem such as factory worker or restaurant server. Wrong choices in footwear also lead to plantar fasciitis.

Studies show that plantar fasciitis is also slightly more common in women than men. Those who are between their 40s and 70s are at the highest risk for developing plantar fasciitis.

As for the exact cause, researchers have not found an answer. What’s sure is that plantar fasciitis develops as the result of repeated small tears. The plantar fascia stretches every time the foot hits the ground. If the plantar fascia gets strained by the manner of walking of repeated stress, it becomes weak, swollen and inflamed. This is the reason why the foot hurts when standing or walking around.

The pain might be a hindrance in daily activities so here are some suggestions to reduce the inflammation that which causes the pain. Be reminded, however, that getting rid of the pain for some time does not address the damaged ligament.


Home Remedies

Let your feet rest and apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes for three to four times a day to reduce the swelling. Limiting or reducing strenuous activities also help. There are arch supports that you can put in your shoes. Stretching foot exercises may also help to relieve the pain.

Medicines such as ibuprofen and naproxen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs) are often used to reduce the inflammation in the ligament.


Medical Treatments

If home remedies and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs do not work, medical attention is advised. Doctors would often inject corticosteroid directly into the damaged section of the ligament. Some doctors use an ultrasound device to help determine the best site for the injection. Physical laser therapy and extracorporal shockwave therapy  might also be a part of treatment for worse cases of plantar fasciitis. 

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