
Podiatrist Toronto, ON Sheldon H. Nadal D.P.M.
586 Eglinton Avenue E. Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario M4P1P2
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The Importance of Addressing Ankle Injuries Immediately

Ankle Injuries

An ankle injury is one of the most common injuries that may happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or activity level. These injuries can range from mild strains to severe fractures, which can limit your mobility and cause significant pain.

Understanding Ankle Injuries 

The ankle joint comprises bones, ligaments, and tendons that work together to provide stability, support, and flexibility to the foot. The ankle joint allows movement in different directions, such as up and down and side to side.

Ankle injuries can occur for various reasons, such as twisting, spraining, rolling the ankle, landing awkwardly from a jump, or direct impact. These injuries can cause damage to the ligaments, tendons, or bones in the ankle, leading to pain, swelling, and bruising.

Common Types of Ankle Injuries

1. Ankle Sprains

Sprains are among the most common types of ankle injuries, accounting for around 85% of all ankle injuries. This injury occurs when the ligaments that connect the bones in the ankle joint stretch or tear due to excessive force or twisting.

2. Ankle Fractures

Fractures happen when one or more bones in the ankle joint break due to direct impact or excessive force. This injury can be severe and may require surgery to heal correctly.

3. Achilles Tendon Rupture

As the largest tendon in our bodies, the Achilles tendon bridges the calf muscles and the heel bone. This injury occurs when the tendon tears, usually due to sudden, forceful movements or overuse.

Why "Walking It Off" Can Lead to Lasting Damage

While it may seem tempting to "walk off" an ankle injury, it can do more harm than good. Walking on a sprained or broken ankle can cause further damage to the ligaments, tendons, or bones in the ankle, prolonging the recovery time and increasing the risk of long-term complications.

Ignoring ankle pain can also lead to chronic ankle instability, which can affect your mobility and quality of life. Chronic ankle instability can cause recurrent sprains, pain, swelling, and weakness, making it difficult to perform daily activities or participate in sports.

Seeking Treatment for Ankle Injuries

If you have injured your ankle, get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment to ensure a full recovery. Depending on the type and severity of the injury, your foot specialist may recommend the following treatments:

1. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE)

The RICE method is the first line of treatment for mild ankle injuries, such as ankle sprains. This treatment involves resting the affected ankle, applying ice to reduce swelling, using compression bandages to provide support, and elevating the ankle to reduce inflammation.

2. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility in the ankle, reducing the risk of future injuries. A physical therapist will also provide guidance on proper techniques for exercises and activities to prevent further damage to the ankle.

3. Surgery

In severe cases, such as ankle fractures or Achilles tendon rupture, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage and restore function to the ankle.

Preventing Ankle Injuries

While ankle injuries can happen to anyone, there are several measures you can take to reduce your risk of injury:

1. Wear Proper Footwear

Using shoes that fit well and provide adequate support can help prevent ankle injuries. Footwear with good ankle support and a non-slip sole can also reduce the risk of slipping or twisting the ankle.

2. Warm-up and Stretch

It’s no secret that preparing your body before participating in any physical exercise by warming up and stretching is important. This helps avoid muscle strains and minimizes the chances of getting hurt.

3. Gradually Increase Activity Level

By slowly increasing the amount and length of time spent on physical activities, it is possible to avoid injuries caused by excessive use of muscles and bones. These include a strained Achilles tendon or small cracks in bones called stress fractures.

The Bottomline

Ankle injuries can be painful and limit mobility, affecting your quality of life. Many people tend to underestimate the severity of ankle injuries, and they often try to "walk it off," which can lead to lasting damage. While some injuries may not require immediate medical attention, getting an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment for an ankle injury can help you prevent long-term complications.

At the office of Sheldon Nadal D.P.M, we offer comprehensive care for ankle injuries, from diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation. Our experienced podiatrists in Toronto use advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to determine the cause of your ankle pain and develop a personalized treatment plan that suits your individual needs. Schedule a consultation today so you can get back on your feet as soon as possible.

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