
Podiatrist Toronto, ON Sheldon H. Nadal D.P.M.
586 Eglinton Avenue E. Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario M4P1P2
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The Consequences of Neglecting Your Ingrown Toenail


Ingrown toenails may seem minor, but neglecting them can lead to severe consequences. What initially causes mild discomfort can rapidly progress into a painful infection, making walking and wearing shoes uncomfortable. If left untreated, the problem has the potential to spread to the bone, causing permanent damage to the affected toe.

Read on to learn the consequences of neglecting your ingrown toenail and why it's essential to address the issue sooner rather than later.


One of the most common consequences of neglecting an ingrown toenail is infection. When the nail pierces the skin, it creates an entry point for bacteria and other microorganisms to enter the body. It can cause the skin to become red, swollen, and tender to the touch. The infection may sometimes spread to the bone or joint, causing further complications.


Another consequence of neglecting an ingrown toenail is the formation of abscesses. It is a collection of pus that develops within the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. A bacterial infection usually causes it and can be very painful. When an ingrown toenail becomes infected, it can lead to an abscess in the surrounding tissue.

Abscesses can be dangerous if left untreated. They can grow larger and cause more pain and discomfort. It may require surgical intervention to remove it if it is not drained.


In rare cases, neglecting an ingrown toenail can lead to the need for amputation. Typically, it is deemed essential solely in severe infection that has disseminated to the bone or adjacent tissue. Untimely treatment of the condition may result in tissue necrosis, necessitating amputation to impede the dissemination of the infection.

Prevention and Treatment

Practising proper nail care is the best way to prevent an ingrown toenail. It includes trimming the nails straight across, avoiding tight-fitting shoes, and wearing shoes that allow the toes to move freely. If you develop an ingrown toenail, seeking treatment as soon as possible is essential.

Managing an ingrown toenail is contingent upon the extent of the ailment. Home-based treatment can be employed for mild cases, which involves soaking the affected foot in warm water and carefully elevating the nail from the skin. Over-the-counter pain relievers and antibiotics may also be recommended to reduce pain and prevent infection.

A foot specialist may need to remove part or all of the toenails in more severe cases. It is usually done under local anesthesia, and the recovery time is usually a few weeks. In some instances, a medical practitioner may suggest a surgical intervention to excise any affected tissue or rectify the morphology of the toenail.


Neglecting an ingrown toenail can lead to severe consequences, including infection, abscess, and even amputation. Maintaining proper nail hygiene and promptly seeking medical attention in the event of an ingrown toenail is imperative. 

Proper care and treatment can resolve most cases without any long-term complications. It is imperative to seek the guidance of a healthcare practitioner to ascertain the most appropriate treatment plan if one is encountering any form of discomfort or pain in their toes.

Are you seeking relief from the pain and discomfort of ingrown toenails in Toronto? Look no further than Sheldon Nadal D. P. M.! We have the expertise and experience to diagnose and treat even the most stubborn ingrown toenails. Don't suffer in silence - Contact us today!

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